søndag 22. april 2012

Prison guard costume sketch ("Skogen")

While working on ideas for the not-yet-named project next week, I figured I could just call it Skogen (the forest) as the setting is in middle of a forest. Without knowing more of the backstory, I have given him dark colours, making him kind of a bad guy. After all, he is the prisoner's guard - it's not nice to keep prisoners. At least when the prisoner is more of a slave. :P

lørdag 21. april 2012

New project!

The locally based Epica is having a workshop this coming week. The idea is to improve their action sequence skills. Which means, experimenting with camera angles, shots and editing. I have been asked to assist with costumes and props. The shooting is in five days, we still don't know who's going to have which roles. Not easy making costumes from scratch then. Gaaah!

Sketches and more actual work soon!